

Welcome to the projects menu! To your left you can be able to individually select individual projects which have been laid on Shawn's heart by the Lord starting from January 2022 - present. You can obtain intricate details, planning phases, timestampped markings, etc. in each project file. We hope they are a blessing to you to learn more about and if you are interested in helping out with the project(s), feel free to contact Shawn at or call/text him at (770) 580-4026 and he will place you in the appropriate position.


Scripture Alone is a Bible app created by Cross Crusaders. Shawn was called to create it on the second week of January 2022, 1 week after he had became an Independent, Fundamental, King James Bible-believing, Baptist. He had a vision to help:

    • New converts study the truth of the Bible and help them build a close relationship with the Lord.
      Compromised Christians understand the Truth of the King James Bible and be presented with the resources to help breakdown what they believed formerly was not entirely accurate and essentially guide them to the truth.
        Independent Fundamental Baptists can be encouraged and exhorted with the Word of God and hearing teachings from IFB, KJB preaching pastors.

      • Timeline

        January 12th, 2022 — Shawn gets called to start Scripture Alone Development

        February 20th, 2022 — Shawn starts to contact IFB churches across the US

        March - September 9th, 2022 — Shawn juggles between contacting churches and developing the web version of the app

        July 22nd, 2022 — Kenyon Bowers joins the team

        September 20th, 2022 — Kenyon invites another developer to the team

        September 22nd, 2022 — New developer joins the team.

        November 20th, 2022 — Shawn finishes contacting all IFB churches across the US

        November 22nd, 2022 — New developer and Kenyon finish making the web and mobile apps in 60 days

        January 6th, 2023 — Scripture Alone becomes available for the general public.


        The Cross Crusaders Campaign is a nationwide soul-winning campaign created by Cross Crusaders. The campaign is meant to reach every state of the US with the true Gospel from the true Bible. Cross Crusaders will be working a few of the churches partnered for the Bible app. The campaign will consist of three crucial resources:

        • Partnership with  SWAPP (Soulwinning App) to allow us to track souls based on if they are saved, are interested in the Gospel, or simply rejected the Gospel on a digital basis.
          Association with a King James Bibles & Testaments bulk production & distribution company.
      • With these three resources, Cross Crusaders will be able to provide these resources to the local churches participating in the campaign for $0 cost. That's right, it's 100% free for a church to be part of this campaign. The only requirements sought is that the church uses the resources to the full extent and does soulwinning and outreach in their local communities.


        January 6th, 2023 — Cross Crusaders Campaign gets announced

        January 6th - March 31st, 2023 — King James Bibles, Testaments, and Tracts get sent to churches. Pastors and Staff get guidance to their routes and maps.

        April 1st, 2023 — All churches unanimously start local outreaches.